There is a new adventure in the Boelke home, a trip to Guatemala!
Life in casa de Boelke always provides something beyond what we may expect. With four growing kids, each year provides plenty of opportunities for new experiences. We have always loved sharing our life adventure with you as we all grow together, learning new things we never imagined. This fall is no different! Alayne has long poured out her compassion with high school kids, guiding her girls through their experience of growing up, and Joel spends his energy loving others through helping lead a local cycling ministry. This fall we have come together as a whole family to help our children learn that “serving others” can mean many things, and everyone can have a part in showing God’s love to others.
Our church has built a relationship with several churches in the Lake Atitlán region of western Guatemala. We are excited to join a trip whose purpose is to work with the churches to provide support in making their own existing mission, relationships, and programs succeed. The local pastors can best help us understand the needs of their community and we can provide many things they simply do not have. Having a long-standing relationship with the local churches makes this annual trip more than just a stand-alone work week. With the wide range of team member skills we help with everything from creating sanitary water, architecture design and construction, computer labs, and children’s programs. But the most important service is to simply show the people they are loved, and help the churches maintain their own viability.
One aspect we are excited for is exposing our kids to the Spanish environment. With all four in a Spanish Immersion school we are blessed for them to have had a unique learning experience. Pierce has already exclusively spoken Spanish at school for seven years! His language and comprehension already exceed even college language majors, with a fluency only learned through true language immersion. It is exciting to see an opportunity for them to use the language and culture they already know, using their education to help others.
Stay tuned for more information and details as we prepare!