Sunday, January 27, 2008

Breaking Through

Today was a fantastic day. Besides going from the horrible travels yesterday to the almost idylic, resort-like little island today, it was a great day for Minzi to break through her shell and show us there is truly a 3-year old inside her.

Our first day with her was with a quiet and somewhat non-responsive little girl. Her initial smiles and noise we think were really her defense mechanism when she is uncomfortable. Today, we had a giggly, crawly, and grabby 3-year old on our hands. At first she just sat where you put her and walked if directed; today she climbed up on the bed and crawled around on her own and wandered around (still staying near us) without holding our hand. Her first days she just squaked a few noises with forced-looking smiles; today she talked real regular (Chinese, we think) words and even started mimiking some of our words while seeming to comprehend what they are. She said "ma ma", "da da", "cup", "uh-oh"; while not prolific for a 3-yr old, it showed us she's starting to try. And it's only been 4 days. Her first day she would hold something if we put it in her hands; today she grabbed at things she wanted and even crawled over to get it. She even tried to grab at things she wanted in a store we were in. Normally not what we want, but a good sign.

So all in all we are seeing amazing transformation before our eyes, fast enough to put us in awe. It really shows us she is a perfect addition to our family. It doesn't matter whether you are privileged from birth like us or our kids, or start out life all alone, we all have the same needs and are responsive and show love and comfort the same - we're all one in God's eyes.


Anonymous said...

Hello Boelkes! We are thrilled to hear about your daughter - what a cutie! How great that Rachel has a sister! We will be praying for safe travels home. Rob and Naomi

Anonymous said...

Joel and Alayne, I am so thankful that things are going so well. What an answer to prayer! It sounds like your daughter is very smart too!! In no time at all she will be giving Rachel a run for her money:) You are half way through. Can you believe it? We can't wait for you to get home so we can meet her. Hope you have a great day tomorrow! Love, Cyndi

David Rumsey said...


Kristin and I have been following your blog. We found it hard to describe our experience in seems that you're having a similar experience with the culture, language, and the stress day to day.

David Rumsey said...

Guangzhou is really an oasis. Have you been to Lucy's yet? I really enjoyed the fried chicken. I think I had onion rings one day as well. Cheeseburgers aren't very good. They taste like meatloaf...
Have you enjoyed shopping?
If you walk out the side of the White Swan, head down towards Starbucks, and keep going. You'll run into a pretty good grocery store. We bought noodles there, and also some snacks.

Brian said...

What a beautiful entry! How awesome to see God working in the life of your daughter. Can't wait to see her.

Anonymous said...

It will be so amazing for you to see her language blossom! It sounds like she is already doing amazingly well! Yay, Minzi!!