Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Here and waiting

Well we made it to China and are at our hotel. We have about 1 hr until Minzi arrives! We are very excited and don't know what to do with ourselves for the next hour. The orphanage director and local China adoption center worker will be here and we will get a chance to talk with them about her. This will be nice as many people travel in a group and don't get that chance.

Our travel was uneventful, but quite long. We left Sunday morning and finally got to the adoption city Tues. afternoon, with an overnight stay in Beijing due to flight timing.

We are in the city Nanchang for several days while processing Chinese paperwork. Nanchang is in central eastern china. It is about 35 deg. and drizzling so it is not very nice out. We will be left to find things to do inside the hotel. Which, incidentally is the only heated building around. They don't heat homes or stores. We went to the market yesterday and it was as cold inside as out!


0n_a_mission said...

Great to hear you arrived safe and sound. Looking forward to hearing all about your first moments with Minzi and seeing new pictures of your beautiful daughter!!!

Leanne, Tim, Lilly and Robbie

Anonymous said...

So glad to see these pictures, and to know that you arrived safely. I hope that you are staying warm. You are in my prayers as you meet with little Minzi for the first time. Can't wait to see pictures of her - lots of love, mom

Brian said...

Praise the Lord!! You will already have Minzi by the time you read this. I prayed for you today at 6am (9pm China time). I don't know if you are reading email but I sent you a message there. Encouraging word for today...Phil. 4:7 "And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" Love, Cyndi