Thursday, January 31, 2008

Daddy's first kiss

We're really not sure how much she already knows vs. how much she's learning from us. A common theme and concern you read about when a child is in an orphanage is how an instatutional setting is not the best place to foster attachment and emotional development. So far our concerns have subsided with the ease Minzi has been able to attach to us and show emotion for things - both the good and the frustrating (like what we would expect from a toddler with getting, or not, what they want!). The best way to overcome this is just giving lots of affection - hugs, kisses and holding. Our big event for today is that she learned to give a kiss, and daddy got the first one! We are very excited. Love and affection can be a powerful healer even when your first 3 years are unattached to a stable and loving family. But we have also come to understand that she must have at least had good care as an orphan, and have heard many stories about how the Chinese are proud of their orphan care. It truly is amazing how resilient children can be, and how much life and spark little Minzi is showing that she has inside of her. We can't wait to see what her future holds!

Minzi actually used chopsticks to eat her lunch!


Anonymous said...

Hi guys! I just LOVE checking in every day in hopes of seeing a new photo of her BEAMING smile! It brings tears to my eyes!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

You are so close to coming home now!!! It's so exciting! The pictures you are sharing are wonderful and we really appreciate seeing them. The kiss---priceless!
Praise God and we look forward to your return.

John and Colleen

Unknown said...

What adorable pictures. We are still checking in and are so thankful that we could be on this journey with you through your blog. We can't wait to see you. Have you told Minzi about her crazy Aunt Lauren yet? Oh yes, you said that you would mention that after a year or so, right? Right?
We love you guys! Hi Pierce, Rachel and Christopher! We can't wait to see you guys!

Anonymous said...

It's so clear, every day she becomes more and more of a Boelke! What a smile! You are obviously making up for lost time ... and it's working!

Can't wait to see you and meet Minzi!

Leanne, Tim, Lilly and Robbie

Brian said...

How special! I love seeing the pic of Joel getting his first kiss from little Minzi. What a precious shot. God has huge plans for Minzi.